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Microsoft word 2013 quick reference guide pdf free download
Understanding the Basics Microsoft Excel Understanding the Basics Table of Contents Opening Excel 2 Components of Excel 2 The Ribbon 3 o Contextual Tabs 3 o Dialog Box Launcher 4 o Quick Access Toolbar 4 Key Tips 5 The More information.
[Microsoft word 2013 quick reference guide pdf free download
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Like Liked. Founder of Follow-Rocket. Full Name Comment goes here. Are you sure you want to Yes No. Aung Myint. No Downloads. Views Total views. Actions Shares. No notes for slide. Word step-by-step quick reference guide Microsoft Word offers the best of all worlds: enhanced features to create professional-quality documents, easier ways to work together with people, and almost-anywhere access to your files. Designed to give you the greatest document-formatting tools, Microsoft Word also helps you easily organize and write your documents more efficiently, and stay within reach so you can capture your best ideas whenever and wherever they occur.
Quick Access Toolbar A location to place your most commonly used commands. Horizontal ruler Used to gauge the horizontal positioning of elements and a place used to set margins and tab stops.
Title bar Located at the top of the Word screen, this displays the name of the document. Styles Gallery Located at the top of the Word screen, various stylized themes for your document. Document Views Click these buttons to enter full screen, minimize your document, maximize your document or close your document. The Ribbon Located across the top of your window and below the title bar, this customizable interface contains a set of commands for working in a document. Vertical scroll bar Gives easy vertical navigation through your documents.
Vertical ruler Used to gauge the vertical positioning of elements. Status Bar This customizeable area displays various items about your current document. Horizontal scroll bar Gives easy horizontal navigation through your documents.
Zoom control Allows the zooming in or out of your contact exclaim marketing today Further reference guides available at www. Open your Microsoft Word and the below screen will open. Click on the New option located on the left side 3. To create a new document, do the following: 1. Click on the File tab located at the top left corner 2. Adjusting your document margins Adjusting your document size 1. Click on the Page Layout tab located at the top of your word document. Next, click the Margins button and a drop down menu will appear displaying many predefined margin layouts.
Next, click the Size button and a drop down menu will appear displaying many predefined size layouts. Lastly, click on a predefined margin layout or create your own custom margin layout located at the bottom of the drop down menu. Lastly, click on a on a predefined document size or create your own custom page size. Adjusting your document orientation 1.
Next, click the Orientation button and a drop down menu will appear displaying two document layouts; horizontal layout and a vertical layout.
Lastly, click on one of two document orientations and your Microsoft Word document will change accordingly. To create a custom document size simply click on the More Paper Sizes option located at the bottom of the drop down menu. A Page Setup menu will next open where you can input your sizing particulars. You have varied controls like formatting text to bold, underline, italicized,change type, size or colour. But also, your mobile phone, right? Your personal organizer, your digital wallet, your instant camera—your mobile device has become the most essential tool you use to stay connected to the people and things that are important at home, at the office,….
Skip to main content. You may also like these articles. February 18, Read more. February 10, February 1,